Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Art Post - Jim Sugomi - Debreasting Wall & Waitresses

Some years ago the renowned anime/guro artist Jim Sugomi and I chatted a lot about mutual interests and ideas about carving tits, debreasting, cooking tits, overstuffing cunts and, well, tits.

We were both pretty random and all over the map with things about Sonic the Hedgehog and crew getting cooked up (yeah, some of my starting stories were in the land of furry) and the like.

In the midst of all that, Jim took a liking to my debreasting 'Wall' concept and drew up a great big piece of art about it. It's been floating around the internet for a while now so you may have already seen it.

The unfortunate thing is that we sort of lost touch (life, it gets busy) and haven't done much talking since then. But, it's still a *gorgeous* piece of art. I recently got back in touch with Jim and things still seem crazy busy but, if I get a chance, I'll get a commission of some sort done with him.

Oh, and here's one I got from him an age ago too.

I seriously owe the dude for some awesome art.

Go check him out and tell him how awesome he is!

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