Sunday 28 July 2013

Erm... Parasitic Bugs?...

I just wrote a story about a pair of girls getting off on letting parasitic worms have their way with them.

Seriously - you can find it on Gurochan in this Bugs on the Brain story thread.

For those of you that have been paying attention, this is a total deviation from my standard operating procedures.

Why the hell did I do this?

Well, I say so in the thread. But, it's mostly because Horney-Helthrow's story hit a button and was shockingly hot. It got me interested enough that I read a few other stories that were referenced in the thread and enjoyed the hell out of a few of them. Notably the one about the farm girl that gets the brain parasite nodule on the back of her neck. Wow was it hot as she played around the fatal edge of her own demise...

Oh, also, I'm a deeply perverted individual. And I like to push at my comfort zones to see if I can stretch myself and erode my limitations.

After all, a vegetarian is an omnivore who can't eat meat and a carnivore is an omnivore who can't eat veggies - both are lesser and neither benefit from their limitations. Given a choice, I would be the omnivore.

At the end of the day I don't expect any of my regular readers to enjoy what I just wrote. But, I write for myself first & foremost so you'll have to put up with stuff like this from time to time. At least I have the decency to warn you first eh? ;o)


  1. Hello!
    I am your regular reader and enjouy your story about worms. Keep it up! It`s masterwork!

  2. I also quite enjoyed it! You're not the only "omnivore" out there.

  3. died taking the lit board with it. The new gurochan is at unfortunately the old lit board is not archived, so this story is now lost.
